Frequently asked questions

Hands-on Labs offers online remote labs that give students access to physical hardware. Through our website, students can manipulate the robotic arm by logging coordinates or uploading a code file. The arm executes commands instantly, providing students with real-time visual feedback of their work.
Hands-on Labs provides an active learning experience, enabling you to apply theory to practical application. Working with real hardware, you can observe behavior, test algorithms and code in real-world scenarios, and develop critical problem-solving skills. Whether you're coding, designing robots, or exploring other subjects, our platform empowers you to transform knowledge into tangible results.
Hands-on Labs eliminates the limitations of traditional laboratory setups by bringing the lab directly to you. No longer restricted by physical barriers, cost, or accessibility, you can engage with real hardware anytime, anywhere. It's an active approach that bridges theory and practice, allowing you to develop skills and problem-solving abilities in a virtual environment.
You have full control over the hardware. In addition to manipulating the robotic arm, you can adjust lighting levels, camera angles, and even audio controls to enhance your learning experience.
With our virtual six-degrees of freedom robotic arm, you have complete control. Upload your code or input and adjust the arm's coordinates to direct its movements. Enjoy multiple camera angles for a comprehensive view, and benefit from the Intel RealSense depth camera, which provides real-time point cloud visuals for precise coordination.
You have full control over the hardware. In addition to manipulating the robotic arm, you can adjust lighting levels, camera angles, and even audio controls to enhance your learning experience.
The robotic arm's motion controllers are integrated with an Arduino microcontroller, which communicates with cameras and a Raspberry Pi 4 cluster. This setup fetches data from our Azure web application, ensuring smooth operation. The 3D-printed structure allows for easy assembly and cost-effective scalability.
Registration is facilitated through your educational institution. Once your school or university registers, you'll receive a unique code for lab access. However, even as an individual student, you can still make the most of Hands-on Labs. It's a collaborative effort between you, your institution, and us to provide an exceptional learning experience.
Don’t worry! You should only receive an access code once your educational institution registers to Hands-on Labs. If you believe that your institution has already registered and you need the lab soon but still don’t have your access code, please contact us & your school administrator as soon as possible!
No, there are no limits. You have the freedom to explore and undertake as many experiments or tasks as your curriculum and objectives require. Dive deep, experiment, and maximize the practical learning opportunities available to you.
Collaboration is at the heart of our platform. You can seamlessly collaborate with fellow students and peers, engaging in discussions, sharing insights, and working together on projects or experiments. While multiple students can access and observe the labs simultaneously, keep in mind that one user can send real-time commands to the robot at a time. However, teamwork and collective learning experiences are strongly encouraged.
Absolutely! If you encounter any technical difficulties, our dedicated support team is here to assist you. Simply click the yellow headphones button in the corner of your screen, and our team will provide prompt assistance, address your questions, and guide you through any challenges. We're committed to supporting your learning journey every step of the way!